Bradshaw Hall Fishery – General rules
- Barbless hooks only maximum size 12
- 2 rods maximum for all anglers
- Please net all fish
- No braided mainline
- Strictly no alcohol or drugs
- No high oil pellets and trout pellets
- No nuts of any kind
- No cat or dog meat
- No dogs allowed around the lakes. Dogs are welcome around the cafe
- No fires or BBQ’s are allowed around the lakes
- No floating baits of any kind like bread and dog biscuits
- All anglers to be in possession of a suitable size landing net–
- No fish should be placed on the ground, this can cause harm and stress to the fish-
- All anglers must use an unhooking mat
- All litter to be taken home or placed in bins
- All feeders and bombs to be free running https://youtu.be/b-D8P42NpJE
- No elasticated feeders
- Waggler floats must be no more than 10mm in diameter.
- No feeder floats or bulb floats.
- Respect Angling Etiquette:
– Please be considerate of fellow anglers.
– Running on the banks is not permitted to ensure safety.
– It is essential to respect the allocated fishing areas of other anglers and avoid fishing in their pegs. - No loud music
- Before entering the fishery, ensure that landing nets are completely dry. Alternatively, you may use the dip tank provided.
- Hammering bank sticks or brolly spikes into the wooden platforms is strictly prohibited to avoid damage.
- Junior anglers who are new to fishing and are below the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult who has previous fishing experience. This ensures their safety and provides guidance during their angling activities.